Jay Toor of Toronto Ontario

jay toor toronto ontario canada

Healthcare institutions are important parts of the communities that they serve in part because they are crucial to maintaining the health and wellness of the populace. For these institutions to be successful, they need the combined efforts of a wide variety of personnel each dedicated to making efforts to improve processes and quality of care for their patients.

Jay Toor is a medical professional and business owner who realizes the responsibility of healthcare institutions is to develop and hone their methods for the betterment of the community. He hopes to use this site as a resource for individuals who are interested in learning more about the intricacies of healthcare, trends, and the ways that optimization can pave the way for a brighter future for the space.


Jay Toor of Toronto, Ontario holds an MD from the University of Ottawa and an MBA from the University of Toronto, and currently serves as a resident orthopedic surgeon. This foundational understanding of medicine and business has provided Jay Toor with the expertise necessary to achieve in healthcare management and leadership.

While Jay Toor specializes in spinal surgery, he has developed a reputation for his passion for questioning the status quo of existing healthcare infrastructure through the use of evidence-based fundamentals. Jay Toor is the founder of Primus Healthcare solutions, where he and his partners seize the opportunity to improve the existing healthcare system techniques such as predictive analytics and optimization.

About Primus Healthcare Solutions

Primus Healthcare Solutions is a company that combines medicine, business, and mathematics to solve notable inefficiencies that are currently impacting the healthcare system. Primus’s consulting and healthcare solutions work from the standpoint that operational and mathematical approaches can improve access to care for patients while ensuring that these services are high-quality and efficient to their benefit.

Jay Toor of Toronto Ontario Explores Ways to Improve Patient Experiences in Healthcare Settings

jay toor toronto ontario canada

Jay Toor speaks to how there has been much conversation recently regarding access to and quality of healthcare across demographics. One common conversational point has been how healthcare institutions can work to improve the patient experience to the benefit of their patients, as patient experience can be a large driving force in whether patients follow their doctors’ recommendations, take their prescriptions, and continue towards the path of wholistic health.

Jay recognizes that improving the patient experience is beneficial for both healthcare providers and the communities that they serve. Still, he notes that not every institution has been successful in implementing processes that will improve these metrics. Here, Jay Toor of Toronto, Ontario provides a brief overview of the ways that these institutions can continue to work towards improving the patient experience to show their commitment to the continued health of their patients.

Consider Streamlining Appointment Booking and Check-In

The process of attending a doctor appointment begins with booking and appointment, which means that streamlining appointment booking and check-in is a suitable first step in improving the experience of patients. Jay notes that there are many facets of the process to consider making it simple for guests. For example, healthcare providers should start with a professional, simple to navigate system for individuals whether they be returning or new patients. Auto-reminders for patients as their appointment dates near as well as clarifying details such as the address and contact numbers are also clear steps toward simplifying booking.

For check-in, there are a variety of factors to consider for improving the overall experience. Typically, patients do not want to wait longer than their agreed upon appointment time, and providers should work to ensure that they keep their word on scheduling. This isn’t always possible no matter how hard we try, however, and simple explanations for lateness can go a long way towards maintaining patient rapport. Other methods for improving the check-in experience include ensuring that the waiting area is comfortable for visitors and offering reassurance for patients who may be anxious about their appointments.

Invest in High-Quality, Friendly Staff

Around 50% of patients maintain that welcoming staff at their healthcare provider is their most important variable when pursuing healthcare aside from quality care. It is important to remember that people will visit a healthcare institution for any of a variety of reasons, and the last thing that a patient would want to experience before an important appointment is a cold, uncaring staff. Investing in great staff who are focused on a positive patient experience is an excellent way for providers to keep their patients feeling happy and secure during their visits. Warm, welcoming staff set the scene for the rest of the appointment and can make a huge difference for patients who may be uncomfortable in healthcare settings.

Consider Bedside Manner

While we ultimately come to healthcare providers for their medical opinions, great bedside manner can be a huge step towards helping patients feel comfortable and willing to listen. Naturally, patients tend to want doctors who are good listeners as many have had experiences where they did not feel heard when giving their account of their experiences and resulting healthcare needs. Not only do doctors with excellent bedside manner contribute to a positive, safe environment for their patients, but they also increase the odds that patients will take their medical advice into account and do what is requested during the appointment. A doctor can be intelligent, experienced, and willing to help, but without quality bedside manner they may find that patients are naturally hesitant around them and reluctant to follow their crucial medical advice.

Give Patients Ways to Provide Feedback

In today’s age there are multiple forums where patients can review their experience at healthcare institutions or with certain medical professionals. This is vital for improving quality of care because it gives patients the opportunity to voice their opinions while similarly allowing potential patients to view the questions and concerns leveed by those who have already received care. Jay Toor notes that some healthcare institutions have seen success by encouraging patients to rate their experience either on their own websites or any number of existing review sites. The power of encouraging guests to provide feedback is that it gives an institution the ability to evaluate some of their processes and make changes for the better. Healthcare institutions that are willing to learn from their mistakes and listen to important feedback are commonly some of the best in the industry because continuous learning is key to success.

Future Posts

Jay Toor notes that the healthcare industry is in an ever-changing state of development, leading many people to seek out resources from trusted professionals to grow their understanding of the space. Future posts from Jay Toor will include topics such as coveted traits of respected healthcare professionals, methods for evaluating institution’s quality of care, the role that companies like Primus Healthcare Solutions play in solving inefficiencies in the healthcare field.

If you are interested in hearing more insights from a professional like Jay Toor, be sure to check back for frequent updates!